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The Curriculum at JKHS

The Curriculum at JKHS

At John Kyrle High School, we believe that every student, regardless of ability or background, should have access to an ambitious, well-sequenced, and knowledge-rich curriculum. Our aim is to prepare students for the next phase of their lives, ensuring they have the foundation they need to succeed.

A strong curriculum provides students with the essential knowledge and skills to progress confidently. We aspire for our students to be able to engage meaningfully in any setting—whether in the boardroom or at the kitchen table—equipped with the skills and understanding to serve the local community and compete on a global stage.

What We Aim to Offer:

  • Ambitious Breadth: A wide range of skills and content across multiple subjects.
  • Accessibility: A variety of qualifications and subjects that are both challenging and achievable for all.
  • Relevance: Knowledge and skills that prepare students for their next steps in life.

The John Kyrle Curriculum

Our curriculum is grounded in what we call "The John Kyrle Way." This means students follow a carefully structured, ambitious curriculum that builds their knowledge progressively over time. Through the spiral curriculum model, students revisit and consolidate key concepts in manageable chunks, ensuring deep understanding before moving on to the next step.

Throughout their time with us, students will experience opportunities that are engaging, enriching, and relevant. We want every student to leave JKHS feeling successful and well-prepared for further study or employment in today’s global marketplace. Our diverse enrichment activities, such as visits to CERN in Switzerland, tours of South Africa, and collaborative work with our twin town of Namutumba in Uganda, help students broaden their horizons beyond Ross-on-Wye and its surrounding areas.

British Values and the 3Rs

Our curriculum is firmly rooted in the promotion of British Values, including democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, and mutual respect for those with different faiths and beliefs. These values underpin our teaching and community life at JKHS.

Through our 3Rs program, we develop students who are:

  • Ready for the next steps in learning and life.
  • Respectful of others and knowledgeable about the wider world.
  • Resilient enough to challenge themselves and grow.

Respect Program

Every morning, students participate in tutor time, where they engage with our RESPECT program, which focuses on Social, Moral, Spiritual, and Cultural Education. Through assemblies, subjects, and special events, we teach students to respect British laws and values, one another, and themselves, promoting healthy, happy lives.

Key Stage 3 Curriculum (Years 7–9)

In Years 7 to 9, our provision follows the National Curriculum. Students study core subjects—English and Maths—for three hours per week, with Science increasing from three and a half to four and a half hours by Year 9. Additional subjects include:

  • History
  • Geography
  • Technology
  • Religious Education (RE)
  • ICT
  • Music
  • Art
  • Drama
  • Physical Education (PE)
  • Modern Foreign Languages (French, German, Spanish) – In Year 7, students study all three languages, choosing one to specialize in by Year 8.

Key Stage 4 Curriculum (Years 10–11)

At Key Stage 4, students follow a core curriculum that includes:

  • English (Language and Literature)
  • Maths
  • Science (taught by specialists in Physics, Chemistry, and Biology)
  • PE
  • RE

In addition to these, students can select from a wide variety of examination subjects, including:

  • French, German, or Spanish
  • History
  • Geography
  • Technology (options include Product Design, Graphics, Food, Textiles, or Construction)
  • Computer Science and ICT
  • Business Studies
  • Music (GCSE or BTEC Music Technology)
  • Art and 3D Art
  • PE (GCSE)
  • RE (full course GCSE)
  • Functional Skills

At both Key Stages, students are set according to ability in core subjects to ensure tailored learning. This flexibility is reviewed regularly to meet each student’s needs. We offer full access to English Baccalaureate subjects and encourage students to pursue this pathway.

Supporting Individual Needs

Our curriculum is flexible and caters to individual learning needs at every level. Some students benefit from additional support in English and Maths or pursue alternative qualifications where appropriate. Our Key Stage 3 curriculum builds a strong foundation for success in Key Stage 4, preparing students for Sixth Form, further education, or employment.

Careers Education

Our comprehensive Careers Program is embedded within our "World of Work" sessions during tutor time. Through these sessions, we expose students to a variety of career paths and opportunities. We believe in the principle that "you can’t be what you can’t see," and so we aim to broaden our students’ perspectives with visits, external speakers, and partnerships with local training providers.

Enrichment and Beyond

We believe in developing the whole person through a wide range of enrichment activities. Whether it’s through the Duke of Edinburgh Award, school concerts, music events, talent shows, travel opportunities, or exhibitions of student work, we encourage students to pursue their interests and showcase their talents. Our rich provision of sports teams and fixtures further supports this holistic approach.

At JKHS, we prepare our students not just for exams, but for life. We equip them with the skills and knowledge they need to succeed in the workplace and beyond. 

JKHS Curriculum Policy 


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For information on our Sixth Form offer please visit: Sixth Form