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At John Kyrle, we operate the cashless system ParentPay. Many families may already be familiar with the system due to local primary schools who also use it. At John Kyrle we use ParentPay for collecting funds for school trips, resources such as revision guides and processing money for your child to access the canteen. The cashless system is our preferred method of collecting money.

When your child joins John Kyrle we will provide you with log in details and information on how to set up your ParentPay account. Your child will be able to use the canteen from their first day.

For Year 7 students, we will try to ensure you receive your account details prior to the start of the September term, but please do not worry if these have not been received by you before your child starts. We ensure students all have time on their first day with us, to access the canteen and either provide a fingerprint or obtain a PIN, whichever is preferred by you. We are aware that the first week can be daunting for students and do not want them to worry if their account balance has not been topped-up. If your child is in receipt of Free School Meals, they will need to provide a fingerprint or obtain a PIN in order for the canteen staff to allocate food against their account.

If, when your child joins John Kyrle and you already have a ParentPay account, when you receive your login details, please follow the instructions on how to add your child into your existing account.

If you experience any technical issues or have any queries in relation to ParentPay, please email