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John Kyrle operates a clear and transparent process for the use and allocation of 16 to 19 bursary funds. It ensures students and their parents/carers have sight of the type of support that is available and the means of applying for it. The funding guidance will also comply with the requirements of the Equality Act 2020 and will not discriminate against a student, either directly or indirectly. 


Who is eligible?

The 16-19 bursary fund is a means tested fund via the government which is available to support students who have difficulty in meeting costs relating to their studies. To qualify the student must be under the age of 19 on the 31st August, in the academic year in which they start their programme of study.


How to apply

In September each year, the Head of Sixth Form will undertake an assembly covering the bursary application process and eligibility. The deadline will be confirmed for when students need to apply by and how to access the electronic application form.

A letter will also be sent to parents, which confirms the process, eligibility criteria and deadline in order to support their child’s application if they wish.

After the given deadline (the initial application return deadline should not be any later than the 31 October), the applications will be processed and assessed as a whole. At JKHS we set an initial deadline date so that we can assess the overall level of demand for financial assistance holistically and make discretionary awards on a fair basis.

We may request copies of evidence to support the student's application, check the student’s attendance and punctuality for sixth form, before confirming and awarding any financial bursary.

During November/December the student will be notified of their bursary award in writing. The letter will explain to the student the value of the award and what the bursary has been awarded for. It will confirm whether the award will be purchased by the school or awarded as a payment directly to the student and the date the payment will be made to the student’s bank account via BACS.


The full 16-19 bursary fund guidance is attached below.