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Values and ethos

Our culture of Ready, Respectful, Resilient permeates through our extensive extracurricular programme, achievement culture, classroom engagement and rewards. We celebrate every success' and encourage every student to strive for their personal best in the classroom, arts, sports and beyond. 

Our vision, as condensed by the Student Council, is to foster students who are Ready, Respectful and Resilient. We are committed to creating a safe, inclusive and comprehensive school, where every student is supported to achieve their full potential. Through personalised learning pathways and pastoral support, we empower students to become confident, articulate and respectful individuals prepared to contribute positively to society. 

Join us at John Kyrle High School, where we embrace the values of Ready, Respectful, Resilient to create a rich and broad curriculum that prepares students for success in life. 


Ready, Respectful, Resilient

Providing personalised pastoral support to nurture each student's well-being and growth

Fostering an inclusive environment where every individual feels valued and respected

Empowering students to take responsibility for their actions and decisions

Encouraging positive behaviours and attitudes through recognition and celebration

Offering a supportive network to help students overcome challenges and develop resilience

Promoting a sense of belonging and community through collaborative initiatives and activities 

Equipping students with the skills and mindset to thrive in an ever-changing world

Creating opportunities for students to develop their social and emotional intelligence 

Inspiring students to become compassionate and empathetic global citizens